
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

   Duckweed Farm -- Fertilising system set up

ABiotech Duckweed farm should have a few sections.  We designed the farm as automatic as possible so that less labour involvement.
   we devided the farm into a few sections with the limited funds involved:
         1) Fertilising system
         2) Growing channel
         3) Watering system
         4) Harvesting system
         5) Cleaning system
         6) Drying system
         7) Back end production

   Today, I would like to discuss the fertilizing system.   Duckweed will double it mass in 48 hours, In Malaysia, the sunlight is strong and it encourages photosynthesis process. the Carbon Dioxide is free. the river water is available at our farm since it is located in the middle of paddy field. 

   What we need is the fertilisers.  Fertilisers in Malaysia is expensive. Animal waste and urine are ammonia. In ammonia, there are Nitrogen atom or Amine akil which can be converted into NPK fertilisers.  However, the wastes have to be treated with good bacterial before they can be used.

   For this purpose, hence, we designed 12 units of huge fibre tanks with  8ft diameters. they are above the ground so that the water can be drain off with gravity. this will save electricity.  Below are some set up pictures:

                                          Picture 1: Fibre tanks sitting on the cement platform

  The cement concrete platforms are needed to support the heavy load of the tanks and its water. we took time to level up all the 12 tanks, because the PVC pipes are connected to all the tanks, the water surface are levelled among all the tanks. These are are for the fertilisers to ferment here.

                                          Picture 2: Fibre Drum as buffer for the fertilisers

                                          Picture 3: The buffer drum located at the bann

  The drum are meant for the buffer.   the fertilisers are pumped from the huge tanks to these drum. The fertilisers are buffered here before flowing to the canals.

   Our fertilising system is designed to be automatic. The water level are controlled by a sensor to activate the 3HP water pump.

  In a few days later, i am going to share with you my farming technique. I need to stop here today, due to the month end is coming, i need to rush for some funds for the worker payroll.


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